Unveiling the Mysteries of Time: Personal Reflections and Curiosity Explored

As i grow older i continue to look back in the past ( to reminisce, remind myself where i come from, and at times to question why oh why?). Its at those times that i get reminded of how we continue to take time lightly. I have read numerous articles and posts in the past around how the famous and successful people utilize their time wisely. How they have routines where they start off early (almost always) and make sure they prioritize things during their day. I am also sure how i always after reading some of it feel like , hey i should do this or at times thinking all of this sounds good listening or reading up on but not something that is mantra to success and that i will make sure people see it when i make it big one day.

No matter what i think or believe in, i also know that Time is moving and believe me its moving fast. It was like the other day my kid was born and poof its been 5 years now. Really??? Where oh where did the time go? I always hear parents of grown-ups say “you will not even realize and soon they will be gone their way”. Earlier i used to be like “right, sure…”, but now with every day i feel like that is true and i am seeing that happen.

So why am i talking about it today of all days? Well, i just read an article about conspiracy theories around time travel related to a specific picture taken in 1938. Obviously everybody agreed that the device being held is not really a mobile phone in the picture but mostly a cigarette case, a portable radio, makeup box and what not. But, that was not what i was interested in.

The thought of time travel really intrigues me. Sure we cannot travel in time (at least not now, at least that’s known to general public 🙂 ), but what if there is someway in the future to do that? How soon can scientists and physicists make it happen? Would common man be able to afford it or will it be just for the rich? My hope is that a breakthrough like this would happen in my lifetime and something that i would be able to experience. The question then comes, what time would i want to go back to?

I have gone back and forth on this. On one side there are so many important/transformative historical dates that i would be interested in getting to or at least understanding the mindset of the people involved in such ground breaking work. On the other hand, there are milestone in my life which are dear to me. In the end, i did land on a more personal time that i would like to go back to. Its a time when my kid was about to turn 1 and my parents, my family and my sister were all together. With my father passing away since then, i can’t see a better time to go back in and live the joy that i had then.

But alas, for now i will have to contend with watching Back to the future and hoping the scientists are closer than what we know about. We are forming memories every second and rightly time waits for none. So what are you waiting for? What time would you want to go back to?

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